Paris Hilton Feeds a Stray Dog Filet Mignon (Photo)

Last night the 30-year-old heiress found a stray starving dog in Bali, where she is currently visiting. Saddened by the dog's plight, Paris ordered the pooch some filet mignon to nosh on!
"This poor stray dog is breaking my heart," she tweeted. "He is so sweet. I wish I could take him home with me."
Paris later posted a few passionate tweets about being kind to animals. "All animals are living, breathing souls with hearts and feelings just like us. And they should be treated that way," she said. Later she posted: "The cruel treatment of these stray dogs has upset me so much that I can't sleep. I'm researching the internet to see what I can do to help."
"It's so important to bring awareness to what is wrong in the world," Hilton finally tweeted. "I am using my voice to speak for these animals who can't."
It's great to see Paris lending her star po! wer to a very worthy cause!
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