Bret Easton Ellis tweets support for Paris Hilton comments
Just when we thought the controversy began to die down around hotel heiress Paris Hiltons recorded comments about gay men, Canyon writer Bret Easton Ellis has taken to Twitter to confess that he agrees with Hiltons comments.
Last week, Hilton caused a fire storm after a NYC cab driver released a tape in which Hilton and a male friend were discussing new app Grindr. Grindr allows men to seek other men for a one night hookup based on location. Hilton went on a rant saying, "Gay guys are the horniest people in the world ... they're disgustingDude, most of them probably have AIDS."
Hours later, she released a lengthy apology.
Saturday, Ellis reopened the bag-of-worms when he took to Twitter stating, I kind of agree with Paris Hilton.
Later he added, As someone who has used Grindr? Paris Hilton isn't that far off.
The writer hasnt received much response to his tweets, but has since tweeted a comparison in movies stating a new outlook on gay relationships.