Paris Hilton apologises for gay slur

Paris Hilton has made an apology for her comments about gay men being disgusting.
The socialite said that she was very sorry for the offence caused by her comments and she wished she could take back the conversation she had about the subject.
In a conversation recorded in the back of a taxi, Hilton was heard saying gay me probably have AIDS and are disgusting for being promiscuous.
Now she has posted a statement on the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation website saying, I am so sorry and so upset that I caused pain to my gay friends, fans and their families with the comments heard this morning.
I was having this private conversation with a friend of mine who is gay and our conversation was in no way towards the entire gay community.
It is the last thing that I would ever want to do and I cannot put into words how much I wish I could take back every word. Gay people are the strongest and most inspiring people I know. It is so wrong when people bully or put down others for being gay.
No one should have to go through ! that. Again, I am so sorry from the bottom of my heart and I feel absolutely horrible.
More: Paris Hilton
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